“The best things come in small packages.” I’m sure you’ve heard this old adage many times. But imagine what those small things can be: an engagement ring; a lock of your loved ones hair; a key that unlocks a treasure. How about a winning lottery ticket?
            I’ve found that best advice also comes in small packages. A new cookbook has just been released in time for the holidays. Bake, Love, Write: 105 Authors Share Desserts Recipes and Advice on Love and Writing, edited by Lois Winston, features mystery and romance writers sharing not only their favorite recipes for fabulous cakes, pies, cookies, candy, and more, they also share the best advice they’ve ever received on love and WRITING. Each contributing author provided their advice in 300 words or less.
            Contributing writer Kathryn Jane shares her three-ingredient recipe for Guilt-Free Fun; a three-ingredient recipe for a loving, lasting relationship; and a one-word profound quote from writer Nora Roberts that would keep anybody writing. So, even if your hectic schedule doesn’t allow for much else, set aside only five minutes, mix up this scrumptious dessert and check out what Kathryn has to say. Bake, Love, Write: 105 Authors Share Desserts Recipes and Advice on Love and Writing

Award winning author Kathryn Jane loves to write about kickass women who laugh as hard as they cry, don’t understand the appeal of perfection, can get themselves out of trouble—thank you very much—and the sexy, often baffled men who dare to love them.
Addicted to the ocean and the color turquoise, Kathryn lives on the west coast of Canada with two obnoxious cats, a faithful mutt, and the man of her dreams.  
Check out her latest book, Voices, in her Intrepid Women series. Coming November 30.