In the past few months, you have read many of my posts involving the endangered whooping crane and many of you have become supporters of this worthy cause. As a result, the whooping crane fan club is growing and just in the nick of time. A few weeks ago Operation Migration notified the public that the FAA is requiring the organization to purchase three new ultralight planes in order to continue with the migration program for next year. The planes they use must now comply with the Special Light Sport Aircraft category. They are in the middle of a major fundraiser. The clock is ticking.

To donate click on to Indiegogo

I connected with Florida reporter Linda Schilling Mitchell and she immediately jumped on the whooper bandwagon and published one of the best articles I’ve ever read on whooping cranes and Operation Migration. The article appeared in the Pineapple Post. Click on to Linda Schilling Mitchell and the “newspaper” tab and then the “Jensen Beach” and it will pop up. Double click on the article to enlarge.
Thanks, Linda!