Okay, on Friday, April 18, I blogged about Robert Fulghum’s book Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Since then, I’ve been contemplating another of his chapters. It’s the one about what a person’s bathroom tells about that person. A sociologist friend of his believes that if you go into a person’s bathroom and look in their drawers and cabinets, you will get a true picture of who they really are. Since you will probably not have the opportunity to view my bathroom, I’ll tell you what’s in there.
I have several drawers in my closet. They contain the following items:
Drawer #1: unmentionables of a certain variety; comfy ones in front, sexy ones in back,
Drawer #2: more unmentionables of another variety: sexy ones in front, comfy ones in back (don’t ask me why),
Drawer #3: regular socks,
Drawer #4 tights and stockings,
Drawer #5: tank tops and slips (remember what those are?),
Drawer #6: running bras,
Drawer #7: sleeveless running tops,
Drawer #8: short and long sleeve running tops,
Drawer #9:  running pants (short ones on the left; long ones on the right),
Drawer#10: running socks,
Drawer #11: running paraphernalia (gloves, belts, headbands, etc),
Drawer #12: swimsuits, goggles, caps.
In the top shelf of my closet are my most cherished quilts and afghans, my treasure box with notes and cards from my husband, extra sheets, towels, and wash clothes.
My cabinets contain scant cosmetics, a bunch of vitamin supplements, hair stuff, a couple of locations, jewelry (rings in one box, bracelets in another, earrings in another, etc).  A few things for medical emergencies: band-aids, insect repellent, muscle ointment, Advil, etc).
My vanity holds a dish of seashells, more hair stuff, a special box with special jewelry and a peach-scented candle.
In my shower are my shampoo bottles, conditioner, and a bar of lavender-scented soap. Next month I’ll have a bar of ocean-scented soap and the month after, a bar of linden flower-scented soap.
On my walls are a dried starfish, a dried sea fan, and a photo of an egret (opposite wall). Oh, and the room is obsessively clean.
What does this say about me? I’m fairly healthy, organized, clean, and I like all things ocean. So, if you by chance happen to visit me and need to go to the bathroom, you won’t have to look in my drawers to find out who I really am. But then, if you did look, would you really be surprised? Probably not.