Mysteries for Myeloma: A Fundraiser for an Excellent Cause
Like Tom Brokaw, my friend and fellow mystery writer Nancy Lynn Jarvis’s husband has multiple myeloma, a plasma cell cancer. He was diagnosed a little more than two years ago. If he’d developed this disease before 2006, he’d likely be dead by now, instead he’s doing well. Fortunately great strides have been made and survival times keep getting pushed out because of research, new medicines, and new treatments.
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation has been instrumental in fundraising dedicated to finding a cure for the disease. Supporters have answered their call to do creative fundraising. There’s a cat litter manufacturer who donates a portion of sales as part of a “Cats for Cancer” campaign. Ditto a Louisiana seafood producer who sells “Crayfish for Cancer.” It seems this group loves alliteration and it occurred to Nancy that as a mystery writer she could donate books for sale and dub them “Mysteries for Myeloma.”
Five of Nancy’s books are real estate mysteries set in Santa Cruz. Nancy and her husband also edited a terrific cookbook called “Cozy Food: 128 Cozy Mystery Writers Share Their Favorite Recipes” which qualifies in the mystery category because all the recipes are from mystery writers.
This year’s Greater Bay Area MMRF event is a 5K Walk/Run which will be held in San Francisco at the Marina Green on March 22nd. Nancy be there selling books. All proceeds will be donated to MMRF. For people with e-readers or those who can’t make the event, profits from e-books purchased on Amazon that day will also be donated. (Nancy’s Amazon Author page is you want to take a look at the books or get ready to buy one on March 22nd. “Mags and the AARP Gang,” another book she has written will also be included for those who prefer humor to mysteries or cookbooks.
Please spread the word about the fundraiser. Email your friends. Post about it on your blog. Tweet and share thru social media. E-books are only $3 or $4 each — such a small donation to make — but if enough people buy one, not only will they get a book they may enjoy reading, but we will raise some real money…perhaps enough to keep Nancy’s husband and many others around for those who love them.